Tag Archives: purpose

What will be the legacy?

Hey Honeychild,

We celebrated the Home Going of my Aunt Bea last week. I’ve been thinking about it a lot. Someone was telling the story of how she helped settle Cambodian and Ethiopian families. They did not speak/ understand English nor was she able to communicate in their language. Through her kind spirit and actions she demonstrated that the universal language of love always prevails. I am inspired. It got me to thinking…What will be my legacy? What will people remember about me? What story will sum up the essence of me? Have you ever thought about that?

So, I’m thinking about this and I’m wondering, “does one self-determine” such things or does God place it in you to be discovered, nurtured, and shared? The Bible says that we should not neglect our gifts. It also says that we are to use our gifts in the service of others. Certainly, there are basic character traits inherent within each of us. We have multidimensional character traits, so how do we know which are meant to become a “calling card?” Some are positive and altruistic and others are more base and self-serving. For example, I am nurturing by nature, wanting to make sure that everyone is cared for in the best possible way. I am also practical to the extent that I can appear to callous. How do I balance these traits? On the flip side, I can compartmentalize people, events, and thoughts to my own advantage with no thought of how this impacts others. At the same time, this allows me to be objective and calm in the midst of crisis, which makes me a good leader at such times. Can you how one could be unsure? Are these traits that are meant to be of service or traits that I should be working on correcting? Either way, I believe that we must be intentional in how we steward our gifts. Finding you purpose and walking in it is, after all, a major life assignment.

I’ve concluded that developing a relationship with God is the path to discovering who we are and what legacy of ourselves will be left when we are no longer here. So, Honeychild, as you contemplate my musing today, think also about what you think, desire and know about the legacy of you. Seek God’s wisdom and follow his direction. Do this and you will be sure to leave a story for others carry through the generations!

Scripture Reference:
1Peter 4:10-11
As each has received a gift, use it to serve one another, as good stewards of God’s varied grace: whoever speaks, as one who speaks oracles of God; whoever serves, as one who serves by the strength that God supplies—in order that in everything God may be glorified through Jesus Christ. To him belong glory and dominion forever and ever. Amen.

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